Dorra Slimming Singapore Review: Real? Fake? Legit?

by - March 24, 2020

Please click here for a more recent Dorra Slimming Bye Bye Fat Treatment review.

In October 2019, I signed up for the Complimentary Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment with Dorra Slimming Singapore (Plaza Singapura outlet). I remember that it was a few days before my birthday and I was feeling really shitty; I had come across this free trial advert from Dorra's Instagram page and wanted to try it out since it was free.

Debunking Q&A 1: Dorra is a legit company.

I actually never heard of Dorra before, and while I've heard of slimming services such as London Weight Management, I was quite distrustful of such services. I guess I felt confident enough at the time that I would be able to handle their hard-selling, and I was just too curious and wanted to see if it actually works.

Dorra Slimming Singapore is actually a legit beauty company, and they have about 7 outlets across Singapore. Not sure why I've never heard of them, but they are indeed a "real" company, rest assured. Like any other weight-management company, the free trial session usually goes like this:

1. Weight measurement & consultation
2. Taking pictures of your body
3. Hard selling
4. The actual treatment
5. Debrief & hard selling again

So let's start with the first part.

1. Weight measurement & consultation

I was introduced to a consultant, and she first introduced the slimming treatment to me and asked me to fill out some forms (asking about my health condition, which parts of the body I needed help with losing weight/ contouring, any diseases, etc). Later, she asked me to step on this machine which analysed my body-fat composition. According to the machine, I was "slightly overweight" and had the body of a 35-year-old.

I'm 150cm and 46-47kg. I'm not skinny, but I'm definitely not overweight. Also, I'm not really sure how the machine could tell that I was a 35-year-old lady just by me stepping on it. Either it's some very advanced alien technology, or it's playing with me.

Either way, I have super low self esteem so I was like, "oh no I'm a fat fk" and proceeded to follow the consultant to the next room.

2. Taking pictures of your body

So here's the part I dislike the most, because they'll take pictures of your body and start telling you the flaws you have. I know they're just doing their job, but personally I didn't really like it. I mean, I know my body isn't Kim Kardashian, but I'm 23 and honestly my body isn't as bad as they said.

My consultant mentioned that there are 3 stages of cellulite severity and they only treat those who are at Level 1 and Level 2. They told me that I was at the early stage of Level 2.

The specific areas they said I needed work on were my arms, thighs, and butt (Actually they lowkey said I needed work on my whole body, but Imma dismiss that for the sake of my mental health). I know it's possible to work on them through exercise, but my consultant insisted that cellulite cannot be removed at all. There is some truth to what she said, as cellulite is impossible to get removed completely, but it is possible to minimise its appearance by tightening your skin, sculpting your muscles, and cutting down your body fat. However, she literally said exercise won't work at all on my body appearance, and made my body seem like a gone case.

3. Hard selling

Debunking Q&A 2: The trial itself is free but be prepared for hard selling!

Ah, finally the moment we've been waiting for - hard selling!

After looking through my pictures, she started explaining the treatments that could help improve my body condition. She mentioned that Dorra didn't really focus on weight, and actually specialised in body contouring and sculpting. So for those parts of my body that were sagging and ageing, she said that it could be improved through this infrared capsule machine they had.

I told her I didn't have the money because I was a student, and a foreigner some more, and I was self-sufficient. Then she pulled her wildcard, which was this student deal thingy where she'd offer me $350 for 10 capsule sessions (more on this later) instead of the original price of $700++??? (Months later after reading through more reviews on Dorra, I realised that many people bought the package at the original price of $300++ anyway, so I'm not sure if I was scammed???)

Here are some other things she said that made me really stressed.

"This is a 1 time offer, after this I can't offer you this price anymore."

"If you buy this now, I will immediately upgrade your free trial treatment to a more intense treatment."

"You are actually only allowed to work on 1 area for the free trial, but if you buy this I'll make a request to work on extra parts!"

"You can pay instalments, don't worry!"

I also asked her some questions, like whether the treatment would be long-lasting and if my body would become fat again after the treatment was complete, but she assured me that it would work 100%.

Ok so long story short, I cracked, and I walked away from Dorra $350 poorer. My boyfriend was really, really mad at me for buying the package and I remember feeling so pathetic after that that I broke down at the Plaza Sing Starbucks LOL.

4. The actual treatment

After making payment, she happily escorted me to one of the treatment rooms, and told me to change into a purple robe. After changing, she asked me to lie down and rubbed some cold cream on my lower and upper thighs. Remember she mentioned giving me "extra parts" to work on? Yeah so that was the lower thighs...lmao.

So after the booster was applied, she proceeded to give me some sort of lipolysis treatment which was SO PAINFUL. Thank god it only lasted 20 minutes, since the consultation took most time out of the 90-minute free trial session.

Basically they used this machine thing and rubbed it really hard against my thighs (which is very similar to the cellulite removing massages). I know the pain is normal, because any form of cellulite removal/ lipolysis has always been painful, so it wasn't surprising to me.

5. Debrief & hard selling again

After the lipolysis treatment, I was served some hot water and the consultant explained to me what the whole treatment was about again. She then booked my next appointment, and asked me to record down the food I ate everyday. She also slid in a "oh by the way there's this treatment you can add on...", but after having all that money taken away from me, I finally mustered the courage to firmly say NO.

She also didn't measure my thighs the second time, so honestly I have no idea if it worked or not.

Debunking Q&A 3: JUST NOPE.

My response to this statement above would be, no??? Because I really did not see any difference in my thighs before and after the treatment. I still felt really fat and poor.

So that concluded my first experience with Dorra Slimming at Plaza Singapura! The next section will be about the treatment package I signed up for and my experience with it.

Capsule treatment ($350+++ for 10 sessions)

I came back for the first treatment session the following week. I had my weight measured, and she brought me into the capsule room.

Side note: If this treatment was for body contouring, I don't know why they took my weight instead of measuring my thighs. Come of think of it, there was NEVER a time they took an after-treatment photo. Suspicious...

I was then told to undress and leave only my undergarments on. My consultant then came in and rubbed some fat burning/ firming "booster" all over my body, before proceeding to LITERALLY wrap my whole body in CLING WRAP. Yes - cling wrap!!!

At this moment, I instantly knew that buying the package was the wrong choice.

I mean, I could do that myself at home and I've always been doing that at home. I didn't have to pay $350 to do that here! Also, this part was really demoralising for me because each time they wrapped me up, they asked me to stand in front of a mirror and I had to look at myself. I remember almost crying once because I looked so ugly and stupid with my sagging thighs and cling wrap all around me, and I thought to myself, "what the fk am I doing?"

After wrapping me up, I waddled my way to the capsule thingy, where I lied in for 20 minutes. I was actually hoping for the treatment to be longer because 20 minutes is rather short.

The machine looks quite cool, but I'm really not sure if it WORKS. It's supposed to help you burn fats and help the body better absorb the cream. The capsule thing uses infrared light which makes your body feel heat. It wasn't painful, but sometimes the heat can be very strong and stinging on parts with more cellulite. I often slept through the process.

I did have some concerns about this machine because the infrared rays thing seemed a bit dubious and didn't people use to say they were harmful or something? The treatment also left me with red itchy spots sometimes, and there were times when I was wrapped up so tightly that my blood circulation got cut off.

I'm really starting to wonder if I actually left my body in the hands of people who did not know what they were doing...

After the capsule session, I met my consultant outside and she asked me to report my diet from the past week. She then told me the do's and dont's of dieting, and gave me a rough guide of what food to eat and what not to eat. After that, we booked my next appointment and she reminded me to complete some survey and rate her service (we had to do this every time we visited).

I had gone for 8 sessions already, but like I mentioned before, I never had my measurements taken again aside from my weight, which is SO WEIRD. My consultant did say that she was going to do a before-after comparison after the 6th session , but she never did it!

Thoughts and review

I don't have any hard feelings towards Dorra Slimming, but to put it in the simplest way possible - it just doesn't work.

Maybe it works after 100 sessions or after paying thousands of dollars, but it's not right for them to say that 1 session or even 10 sessions can make a big difference (refer to "Debunking Q&A 3").

Sometime in January my aunt did say that I looked like I lost weight, but that was also the time I got my braces done and couldn't eat properly, which may be the REAL reason why I lost weight. Even if I really did lose weight, I doubt that the effects would last long. It's been 2 months since I stopped going, and my thighs now look the same as Lilo's.

I stopped going because they started hard selling again, and asked me to buy products and packages since my sessions were ending soon. I remember this one consultant who tried selling me this cream for $500++ and I politely refused, only to get it for free from a Dorra lucky draw.

I'm actually aware of many bloggers who said that they've had really bad experiences at Dorra and felt cheated of their money. I guess I can relate, though I didn't experience very very intense hard selling. The people there were nice too.

On the other hand, the consultants at London Weight Management (which I've been to as well) were definitely ruder and more intrusive than the staff at Dorra. I also won't say I was cheated of my money because it was ultimately still my decision to buy the package, and $35 per session is so much better than $374.50 per session, which is what this blogger paid for. Bless.

Anyway, I'm just going to put some before-after pictures for you guys to decide if the treatment worked - and I won't even label before or after because tbh you can't tell the difference.

Some of you may be wondering whether to buy their packages or attend their free trials, and you may have also come across articles from Her World or Beauty Insider promoting the slimming services. Do keep in mind that those articles are sponsored and the angry blog reviews aren't! My advice is, go for the free trial if you really want to, but don't buy their packages! If you really want to lose weight without exercising, just do intermittent fasting. I've lost 4kg in just 1 week from intermittent fasting and I even got the abs contours now LOL.

But it's still your decision, so it's all up to you!

Love this post? Feel free to share or comment below or check out my Amber Beila facial review here.

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  1. Dorra and London same owners. Just like new York skin and shakura. Yun nam and another hair place(i forgot the name). All 6 brands same owners

    1. Hey... initially they said "same boss" it's "sister company"...hmmmmm...ever heard of sibling rivalry???28/12/20

  2. You just saved me RM 660 thanks!! And you look slim tbh would kill to have that body of yours! Cheers

    1. good for you since i just lost rm660 + rm300 (extra strong booster) yesterday. Told them seriously I just want to stick with RM660, not the RM3999 package which they claimed the best package for my fat body. I told them that I sign up just to support my lose weight program with my other coach. I definitely gonna loose weight from exercise and eat healthy but with dora i just want to get support to boost my weight lose journey. but they still did the hard selling and i seriously told them, if they do this i will walk away and ask for refund. wish me luck for anoher 9 sessions.phewww

    2. Wahhh. I can understand how you feel! They're quite good at hard selling that's why even I fell for it. But since you already got the 9 sessions, I hope it works out for you - if not, try to enjoy the sessions? I always just went there and fell asleep haha

  3. Omg! I scheduled my session today. The RM660 promo. Should I still go? I felt something ia suspicious when they called and did not explain much. Should i cancel it by giving any excuses?

    1. Hi! You can still go if you want to try it out, but if you aren't feeling sure about the treatment, there's no harm cancelling especially if you haven't paid (:

  4. thank you. I had wanted to try but guess can skip. thank you for your article

  5. Omg... Thanks for your review. I almost caved in and read your reviews in the spot before i made payment!!!

  6. Are you blind???? you are already sexy + slim.... please donate your $$$ to l can go for the said package...... really..


  7. Curious and went there for the trial but I guess my rejection skill is better than their hard selling lmao. cz tbh, this kind of programme only gonna workout after 30++ routine treatments and extra diet (for cellulite removal). For weight lost, no need to join this programme xD It's better to save ur money to buy fruits/organic food and do exercise!!

    1. but would you really go to the extreme to exercise?
      ive done like a few treatments and have great results just by lying down..
      idk if yall know that time is money. and if i would spend the money to cut down on the time to exercise, its honestly quite worth it! :)

    2. Haha I can totally understand people who would rather spend the money because exercising is such a hassle sometimes! But personally for me I love exercise and sports is also a big part of my life, so for me it would make sense to just manually burn the fats. I think it depends on the person's lifestyle.

      Alot of my friends haven't exercised for years, so for them I think they'd rather spend the money too !! xD

  8. That was what exactly happened to me yesterday! Luckily I have insisted that I'd only pay RM30 for the trial and mot wanting to sign any package until i had my trial done and go home to think.

    I don't understand why woulr they do the hardsale before letting me try the RM30 trial. Isn't it more logical to have your customer dobthe trial, see the result then you do the sales??

    My consultant even said I'm not forcing you BUT YOUR THIGHS ARE REALLY BIG FOR LITERALLY 4-5 TIMES. Guess she just wanted me to feel im so fat and ugly and so I'll sign up. It made me so frustrated! She even said this 'RM660 is very cheap and you can pay by installment. " ffff I told her straight to her face that RM660 meant differently to everyone, to some is like RM6 but to some is like RM6k. I'm so angry just as im writing this.

    However, the trial treatment really did work on me, it firmed up my butt and both thigh were smaller and firmer. But like you said, they didn't even bother to measure my thighs after the session.

    My recommend to others who'd like to try to go ahead for their trials, but be prepared for their hardsale & pushy consultant. You can go experience the trial yourself then decide to sign up or not on the same day before 7pm on the same day.(don't fall into the trap if they say you must sign up NOW")

    Go home only decide whether to sign or not.

  9. Thank you so much for your detailed sharing! I was so tempted to buy the 10x @ $328 promotional package, but i will give it a miss now!

    And btw the way, your figure is really fine!

  10. I admit, I have not been on web page in a long time.however it was another joy to see It is such an important topic and ignored by so many, even professionals. professionals. I thank you to help making people more aware of possible issues.

  11. Thanks for sharing such amazing post, i really liked it.

    Looking for trusted and reputed aesthetic clinic for affordable Cellulite Removal Treatment in Singapore? If yes then Healthsprings Aesthetics is the best option for you.


  12. Hey guys, thanks for giving this review as it has saved my money from spending it in dorra.

  13. I went there and gone thru the hard selling. Yes, the offered priced goes down from 5 digits to 4 digits then to 3 digits..finally I paid RM100 and sign for the offer which I never wanna take. The RM100 I paid I regard as their trial service and some trial product sample that they gave. I never go back after that.

  14. Thanks for Sharing this really the content is informative, interesting which was I am looking for and I must say: Amazing Blog!

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  16. Gosh!! I was thinking to go for the trial. After reading these comments, I am dropping the idea totally. Thanks for sharing

  17. I tried the free trials, my body was more swollen n my weight is still the same. i regretted not searching up for reviews or looking at this site before putting in my deposit.

  18. I just did mine and I am doubting their measurements if accurate. One thing that I hate the most during treatment is hard selling. Why not focus on the treatment first? Keep counting and proposing new packages if it gets declined. The treatment gets interrupted everytime they do hard selling. They keep asking me to avail the first time customer promo because after that, no more. I said I am okay, I will get it if I want it and when I want it. Their hard selling is strong but my firm NO decision is stronger.

  19. I should have search this beforehand. I suspect they even Photoshop the pictures to make me fatter than it was before. Cause Im not fat. Most people tell me to eat more. But typical youth mind with their body dysphoria and them saying ohh I have fat issue only worsen the situation. Be prepared to have your pictures shared as result too cause I'm pretty sure they don't ask permission.

  20. I had an extremely disappointing experience with Dorra Slimming that I feel compelled to share. I signed up with high hopes and anticipation but was met with a series of issues that left me deeply dissatisfied.

    Firstly, I was promised a meal plan and a nutritionist follow-up as part of my package, neither of which I received during my time with Dorra. This discrepancy between what was promised and what was delivered was concerning.

    Secondly, the introduction of another consultant who pressured me into signing up for an additional $30,000 package was both distressing and unprofessional. It felt like a high-pressure sales tactic that left me uncomfortable.

    Perhaps the most concerning part of my experience was the lack of clarity regarding the refund policy. I expressed my desire for a refund early in my engagement, around the 3rd week after signing up, only to be informed that a refund was not possible. It was only after I completed 30 sessions of Bye Bye Fat that I was told I could have requested a refund, a significant inconsistency that felt deceptive.

    Additionally, there was a lack of trust and transparency in communication. I found myself having to defend my experience and was made to feel like my concerns were not taken seriously. I was questioned about the accuracy of my account and told that my consultant’s statements were more credible.

    The entire experience has left me with a sense of mistrust and disappointment. I hope this review serves as a warning to others who may be considering Dorra Slimming’s services. Transparency, honesty, and customer trust are essential in any business, and unfortunately, these values were lacking in my experience.

    I genuinely hope my feedback can contribute to Dorra Slimming’s improvement and inspire a more ethical and customer-oriented approach in the future.

  21. I had an extremely disappointing experience with Dorra Slimming that I feel compelled to share. I signed up with high hopes and anticipation but was met with a series of issues that left me deeply dissatisfied.

    Firstly, I was promised a meal plan and a nutritionist follow-up as part of my package, neither of which I received during my time with Dorra. This discrepancy between what was promised and what was delivered was concerning.

    Secondly, the introduction of another consultant who pressured me into signing up for an additional $30,000 package was both distressing and unprofessional. It felt like a high-pressure sales tactic that left me uncomfortable.

    Perhaps the most concerning part of my experience was the lack of clarity regarding the refund policy. I expressed my desire for a refund early in my engagement, around the 3rd week after signing up, only to be informed that a refund was not possible. It was only after I completed 30 sessions of Bye Bye Fat that I was told I could have requested a refund, a significant inconsistency that felt deceptive.

    Additionally, there was a lack of trust and transparency in communication. I found myself having to defend my experience and was made to feel like my concerns were not taken seriously. I was questioned about the accuracy of my account and told that my consultant’s statements were more credible.

    The entire experience has left me with a sense of mistrust and disappointment. I hope this review serves as a warning to others who may be considering Dorra Slimming’s services. Transparency, honesty, and customer trust are essential in any business, and unfortunately, these values were lacking in my experience.

    I genuinely hope my feedback can contribute to Dorra Slimming’s improvement and inspire a more ethical and customer-oriented approach in the future.


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