Shit NUS Seniors Say To Freshies (& Whether You Should Believe Them)
BS Seniors Say In Uni
1. "I have no idea where this faculty is located"
NUS is pretty darn big so it's normal that we don't know which school is located where. I don't think I ever stepped into the School of Engineering until I was in Year 3. I didn't know 60% of the school and what was in it. Heck, I didn't even know where the lecture Halls in my own faculty were and I had to rely on GOOGLE MAPS to find them.
2. "I didn't study for finals"
Everyone studies. There may be differences in the intensity of the studying - some may have stayed up the whole night, while some snuck in a few seasons of Grey's Anatomy. But everyone studies. Most of the time, the ones who study less intensely during the finals period have just been studying super hard months before, so there's no need for them to grind as much.
3. "I have 10 CCAs"
Yes, there are people who are just crazy enough to have 10 CCAs, but if you ask them to be really specific, it's usually that they have 10 CCAs - only active in four, join the other threes' activities once a month, the other two are seasonal, and the last time they joined the last one was a year ago.
So take whatever your seniors say with a pinch of salt. It may seem like a big achievement having a bunch of CCAs, like collecting scout badges, but it's really more worth joining ones that actually matter and will add to your resume.
4. "It's hard to make friends in uni if you don't stay in Hall"
It is true that it's easier to make friends in Hall because the act of socialising is practically forced upon you, but you can also make friends without it. I actually made the best friends outside of hall through NUS-based activities or faculty-based events.
But of course, it may also be easier to find friends in Hall because Hall is where like-minded people gather, so it'll be more convenient to find your kind of crowd.
5. "I have no idea what I'm doing"
Yes. This is true.
I'm in my final year and I still don't know what I'm doing, or what I want to do after graduating. But I guess it's consolation that everyone feels the same, regardless of how good their grades are, or how many CCAs they have.
Personally, going to uni is part of the adulting journey and finding yourself. There are so many options everywhere, so it's normal to feel confused the more you explore these options.
So if you find yourself feeling lost and confused, just know you're doing uni right!