Does Getting A Tattoo Hurt? (Travel Tattoos & Piercings): What It's Like

by - March 11, 2020

I recently posted a question on IG story asking people what they wanted to know about me, and someone asked where I got my tattoos! I actually have 4 very small tattoos (which are all hidden); the first one I got from Singapore, and the rest when I was travelling overseas. I really love getting inked, and have made it a point to get a small tattoo whenever I go on very memorable trips!

Some of you may be thinking of getting a tattoo, so I'll share a bit of my experience and where I got all of them!

Tattoo #1

Where did you get it: I got my first tattoo in Singapore at a tattoo parlour somewhere in Far East Plaza. I got it in 2016 when I was only 20, so honestly, I can't even remember the name of the tattoo place. I only know it was introduced to me by my friend as he got his first tattoo there as well. I remember the tattoo artist being very nice, and was really helpful in calming my nerves.

What did you get: I got a black ink treble clef at my lower waist because I love music and was raised as a musical kid, so I thought that it was something really meaningful to me. I know it's a bit cheesy, but it was my first tattoo and I probably didn't know better... It was also quite a spontaneous decision because I just brought up wanting to get one over the weekend and my friend was like OMG I KNOW A GUY LEMME BRING YOU THERE.
How much did it cost: Looking back, I was charged quite a lot for such as small tattoo LOL. It was only about 3cm, and cost $99!!! The tattooist gave me a free bottle of cream as well, but I got my other tattoos at half the price of that. Then again, everything in Singapore is expensive, so.

Healing process: My tattoo took about 1 week to heal, and since it was at the waist area, I couldn't wear denim jeans for awhile because the hard fabric could irritate my skin. There was some bleeding 1-2 hours after the tattoo, which is pretty normal. The tattooist advised me to stay away from the sun/ sweat and not wet the tattoo for 3 days because it may meddle with the healing process.

Do you have any regrets: So usually before you get inked, the tattoo artist would print out a "sticker tattoo" with your intended design and paste in on your skin so you can see how it looks and decide whether you want to change the size/ position. I didn't like the position of my tattoo 100% but I was kinda lazy to find another spot so I just went with it. Now it looks a bit awkward in pictures? So don't be afraid to let your tattoo artist know if you aren't happy with something, because this decision is permanent!

Was it painful: I don't remember the process being very painful, but it was very uncomfortable since it was at the waist area, which is one of the more uncomfortable areas to get inked. I also didn't have lunch before the appointment, so I had mild gastric with made the experience more uncomfortable. The pain was probably a 6/10, and it only took him 30 minutes to do the tattoo so it was very bearable. My friend also held my hand the entire way! I would say a pimple extraction is more painful, like the ones below your eyes and below the brows. Now that's painful.

I wasn't really scared, but the sound of the tattoo machine is VERY INTIMIDATING. After a while you get used to it, and it can feel very therapeutic. Kind of like a painful yet comfortable massage.

Tattoo #2

Where did you get it: Some time in 2018 I had a very painful breakup and went on a self-searching trip to Bali with a close friend. Cliche, I know. But it was a really bad time ok don't judge.

I got it at this place called Mex Tattoos which is located in Kuta. It's worth mentioning that they have a 5-star rating on Facebook! I made a reservation through their Facebook page about a month before the trip, asked for a quote and showed them the design I wanted. The people at Mex Tattoos are super nice and can speak English as well, so it's easy to communicate with them.

What did you get: I got a scripture verse, Psalm 37:5 "Commit your way to the Lord, trust in Him and He will act". I didn't get the whole verse cos that would look REALLY ah lian on me, so I only got the "Psalm 37:5" part. I got it on my left lower back in cursive writing.
How much did it cost: The tattoo was about 3-4cm, and was really thin. It cost about $60++, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. Also, it only took about 20 minutes to do.
Healing process: This tattoo was ready right after it was done, and there wasn't much healing to be done. Since it was very thin, there wasn't much blood as well.

Do you have any regrets: After a few months, my tattoo actually faded quite a bit and the words are less clearer now. I guess it's my fault for not foreseeing this, but I don't really mind it anyway since it's at such an obscure place. The "P" is the main thing that faded the most, and it looks a bit like a "D" now. Otherwise, I don't have any regrets and I really love this tattoo because it is so elegant.

Was it painful: This one was quite painful for some reason, but the pain was more sharp and short than it was uncomfortable and long. Compared to the previous tattoo which felt like someone was punching my torso (lightly), this one felt like someone was slicing into my flesh (also lightly). There were certain times when I cringed and winced from the pain, but the pain subsided very quickly once the tattooist moved on to other parts.

Tattoo #3

Where did you get it: I got my third tattoo in Cebu when I was on a trip with the same friend that went to Bali with me. My friend was the one who chose this tattoo parlour, and this time she got her first tattoo as well! The tattoo place is located at Cebu city, and is called Needlepoint Cebu Tattoo Studio. We made a reservation on their Facebook page 2 months in advance, and the appointment was in March 2019.

We had a lot of fun at Needlepoint Cebu Tattoo Studio and the guys there were so nice. They made my friend feel really comfortable before getting her first tattoo, and we talked throughout the 2 tattoo sessions. They also have nice music!

What did you get: This tattoo was dedicated to my sister, and she was the one who partly designed it. My sister is a sailor, so I got a wave design with her birthday on it. A lot of people actually say it looks like the Billabong logo. LOL. I originally wanted the tattoo to be smaller (around 3-4 cm like the rest of my tattoos), but the tattoo guy advised me to make it bigger by 1-2 cm so the birthdate can be visible. I went ahead with his advice because I don't want to take any chances...
After deliberating where I should put it, I decided to place it near my right back shoulder so I can look really chio with an off-shoulder top.

How much did it cost: The tattoo was only $40++ which is my cheapest tattoo ever! Even though it's so cheap, it still looks as good as new now. It's also bigger than the previous 2 tattoos I did, and the linework is amazing! I think they guy was really nice as well, so he offered us a cheaper price. SO. WORTH. IT.

Healing process: This tattoo was not troublesome at all. It didn't pose much of a problem, and didn't bleed. However, it was placed near my shoulder so I was careful not to wear spaghetti straps because I was afraid that it may irritate the tattoo. I remember forgetting I even had it after a few days, because there wasn't any pain.

Do you have any regrets: NOPE. This is my favourite tattoo to date, and the most worth it. Also, it only took 10 minutes to do. 10 MINUTES! I was damn shook when it was over.

Was it painful: Not really. In fact, I really enjoyed this tattooing process and it was very comfortable. The pain was about 4/10. Maybe it's because of the position, and I tend to feel "stronger" on the right side of my body compared to the left side (if you know what I mean). If it was on my left back shoulder, it may have been more painful mentally? Weird, I know.

Tattoo #4

Where did you get it: My most recent tattoo was done last year, July 2019! I was in Ho Chi Minh, and decided to get a spontaneous tattoo. I got mine done at a rather famous Ho Chi Minh tattoo place called Tadashi Tattoo. Although we made are reservation beforehand, the waiting time was SO LONG and I waited for almost 2 hours for my turn. I remember that there was some tattoo shoot going on while I was there as well. A lot of angmohs here too, and the vibe was pretty intimidating. The tattoo artists were nice though.

What did you get: Since I got a tattoo for my sister, I decided to get one for each of my family members. I got this one for my mom, an apple tree branch symbolising her occupation as a teacher. I also wanted to get my first coloured tattoo.
I had a difficult time finding where to put this one, because I was running out of obscure places to put my tattoos. After much thought, I decided to put it at my left upper thigh, so that it can be hidden under normal home pants or denim jeans, but can be shown off when I wear my really short jean shorts.

How much did it cost: This one was quite costly, and was about $160++. It took a total of 2 hours to do, inclusive of a 30-minute consultation. It was about 4cm and coloured, so I guess the price was alright. After all, this tattoo place was also very famous.

Healing process: So this tattoo really gave me a heart attack after 1 week because it was my first coloured tattoo and I didn't know what to expect. The colour faded a bit after a few days, and my skin started peeling off from the tattoo, so I looked like I had some skin disease. I remember calling up the tattoo parlour in shock, asking them if this was normal, and they were like "oh yea, that happens."

It took about 2 weeks for the peeling to come off completely, and there was quite a bit of bleeding as well... but it looks great now!

Do you have any regrets: I love this tattoo, and I wish it was slightly bigger! It's still very nice and is easier to show off due to its placement at my thigh. No regrets, and I hope to get another coloured tattoo soon!

Was it painful: So the funny thing was I dozed off within 20 minutes of getting inked. Like, I had my phone in my hand and was watching some Korean show on YouTube, and before I knew it, I was snoring. It was SO COMFORTABLE! I think I even drooled.

However, the first few minutes were a bit tiring because the tattooist had to focus on the same spot for awhile and colour it in. But I think the fact that it was at my thigh made it less painful because I have so much cellulose and fats there.


Some people also ask about my piercings because I have 6 of them, so I thought I can write about them too. They're mostly normal, boring piercings, but I do have one helix piercing which was the bane of my existence for 4 years.
I've heard horror stories of people who go to random stores for a $5 helix piercing and became blind as a results (fake news???), so I wanted to go to a really established place to do it. I got my piercing in May??? 2016 at Stellar VivoCity. They're actually really good and are rated 5-stars on Facebook. Since they do piercings for babies and children as well, I thought it was a good place to get my helix piercing. They actually charge for the earrings instead of the piercings itself, and I think I paid about $60 for 2 piercings - 1 on my lobe and 1 helix.
The process was actually painless, and was really quick. The pain only came AFTER that, and what followed was 3 days of SEVERE MIGRAINES and it was so bad that I couldn't go to school and couldn't sleep. I even had to take MC from work. There was a lot of bleeding, and I got infections so many times. It really hurt when hair got stuck in the earring as as well, and I couldn't sleep with my face turned to the right because the pillow would irritate the piercing.

In fact, I didn't dare to take out the earring until December 2019 which was last year, and it was only from then when the piercing started to fully heal. Now I can take it out whenever I want and I can sleep on the right side of my face, thank God.

Some people have had better helix piercing experiences, so I really don't know what went wrong. Maybe I didn't know how to clean it or maintain it well? Regardless, it was really an ordeal but I don't regret getting it because it looks so nice!!!

So that's my experience with tattoos and piercings! I may be getting another tattoo soon, and I already have a navel piercing appointment set up, so I'll be sure to update y'all again when it happens!

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  2. When looking for a tattoo shop near you, start by conducting thorough research. Utilize search engines and online directories to find a list of reputable piercing places near me parlors in your area. Make sure to consider their proximity to your location and their reputation within the tattoo community.

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